DonorsChoose Tips

By Kimberly Harper - 5:21 PM has been a total game changer in my classroom! Thanks to the generosity of donors, I have had 39 projects (and counting!) funded over my past 4 years of teaching. I have had projects of all kinds - from books to technology to flexible seating to room transformation supplies to professional development and more! I am so grateful for the generosity of others  Last year, I served as a DonorsChoose ambassador and loved getting to help teachers get started on getting the materials they need.

If you have never submitted a project, you can sign up to create an account here:

Over the years, I've learned a thing or two on how to have success on DonorsChoose:

  • Keep your project cost low!

DonorsChoose has done the research and found that chances of funding decrease the higher the project total. Think of it from a donors' viewpoint: if you had $50 to contribute, where would you feel like your money made the most impact - on a $250 project that only needs $75 more OR on a $1000 project that still has $750 to go? My biggest tip is to keep your project cost low by splitting your project into multiple parts. For example, I really wanted an iPad and document camera stand. Instead of putting the two items together, I split them into two separate projects! I aim to keep my projects below $300 if possible.

  • Take advantage of match offers!

Match offers are how I have gotten most of my projects funded! There's something really compelling for a donor when they know their money is going to go even farther with the help of a partner like Google or the Bill Gates Foundation. Periodically check the match offers for your area/subject and take advantage of them when you see one that fits your needs! I was able to get ALL of my flexible seating funded through a google match offer. Whenever I see that one of my projects qualifies for a match, I try to promote it as much as possible on my social media accounts (especially Twitter)! 

  • Say thank you & be genuine!

I know this sounds like a no brainer, but I am always surprised by the amount of people who don't thank the individual donor as the donations come in. DonorsChoose makes you thank all donors with a note when your project is funded, but you also have the option of writing back to each individual donor. I make sure that I thank every single donor as soon as I see the donation come through and take the time to write a heartfelt note of appreciation. I have many "returning donors" that I do not know in real life that I always make sure I thank for continuing to support my classroom.

  • Be creative!

Maybe this is irrelevant, but I like to think my catchy titles draw in donors when they are sifting through hundreds of projects looking to donate. Which title is more captivating to you? "Document Camera" or "Lights! Camera! Document!" I also try to think outside the box when requesting resources. Of course, I need things like books, paper, and technology like anyone else. However, some of my favorite projects were for things that donors found to be really interesting such room transformation items or a Nugget Comfort.


I think sometimes that we forget that we teachers truly speak our own language. Between our acronyms and buzz words, we can easily confuse donors. I like to play it safe and assume that my donors know NOTHING about my classroom and our needs. Without being patronizing, I explain every single detail about my request. Why do I need headphones for my 2nd grade classroom? I need them so my students can listen to fluent reading in reading stations so they can build their reading fluency. Why do I need wobble stools? I need them to implement flexible seating which allows my students to pick their own seat like adults do in the real world and have ownership in their learning. Why would a teacher need a pack of 100 glow sticks? I need them for a room transformation where I will be reviewing math skills in a fun and dynamic way using blacklight games! While these things might seem second nature and obvious to us, it really pays off to take the extra time to explain to donors.

  • Share, share, share!

While DonorsChoose is amazing, it is not a magic wand for instant funding. You have to be willing to put the work in to get your project out there! When I post a project, I post it to my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Now, I am not saying you need to spam your friends and family and depend solely on them to fund your projects, but there is nothing wrong with asking them to simply SHARE it. Instead of asking directly for donations, I like to ask for people to help me share with their friends! Another place I like to promote my DonorsChoose page is in my email signature. Underneath by signature button, I have a link to my DonorsChoose page and class website. At the beginning of the year, I explain to my parents what DonorsChoose is and how it has impacted my classroom and provided countless resources. I know many teachers have a wishlist posted at their Open House/Meet the Teacher night. In addition to the classic wishlist items such as Kleenex and Lysol Wipes, I also include "donation to our DonorsChoose project". For many parents, they prefer to help in this "no-fuss" way instead of having to go to the store.

And there you have it! My top 6 DonorsChoose tips! Best wishes for speedy and full funding!

If you have never submitted a project, you can sign up to create an account here:

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